Memory Machine - Trailer

The story revolves around Avinash, who is a Neurology student in the world of 'developed' or evolved human species. He tries to find out the reason behind one person's not using the 'Memory Machine' while the entire world is dependent on it. What happens?

Story & Screenplay By: Unmesh Ganguly
Cinematographer(s): Swarnendu Bose
Editor(s): Unmesh Ganguly
Original Background Score (Music Composer): Abhisekh Das
Other Crew Members: Samrat Chakraborty, Nishant Barui, Sourjya Mukherjee


Actor Name Role Played
Preetam Ganguly Avinash Mukherjee
Pradyot Mukherjee Dr. Guha
Juthika Sen Dr. Guha's Mom
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