Ever thought about the power time has? A five minute film that captures one's attention with its deliberate meaning. An ex-veteran sits to pen down his thoughts and experience in time, but the scar left behind has an immense effect on him.
The movie starts on a light note, the director Elliot Farinaro captures very subtle essence one tends to foresee in life, an indirect relation to time. The film then takes on a dramatic turn. The main lead, Omar Jadallah-Karraa begins to narrate a story. His story. A story about how time can change circumstances, places and people. How time has changed him. The film immediately shows his transition from a boy to man, where habits remain the same but circumstances have changed. His close encounter with death during the war had changed his whole perspective about time. A scar was left behind, a scar filled with fear, trauma and panic. He is unable to write as the memories of the past haunt him and fear grips his heart.
Direction and screenplay is absolutely brilliant! Director Elliot Farinaro has done a splendid job in delivering perfectly timed shots. The crisp and precise editing has enhanced the overall appeal of the film. The fear, the panic comes beyond the four borders of the screen. There were times though, where the threads seem to cut loose at certain places, but we can live with that! Omar Jadallah-Karraa played his role admirably. He hit the nail right on its head with is expressions and emotions. Remarkable performance. The one aspect that played a great role in the film is its great sound edits. It’s enthralling how sounds can make you travel through a film and Trauma in Time did just that. The tempo, the rhythm was right at par with the scenes, definitively captivating.